We finally got to say adieu to 2020...but the pandemic continues to rage on as we march through another year. After nearly a year of social distancing and quarantines, most of us are probably feeling pretty low. For those on the spectrum, the distress that often comes with disruption to …
Podcast 48: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly When it Comes to Praise, Rewards, and Punishment
Anyone else confused about when to praise a child...if ever? When to reinforce something? What about punishment? Wow...supporting children who are experiencing big emotions is not for the faint of heart that's for sure. And it seems everyone (including me) has an opinion on how to "weather the …
Episode 47: Inclusive Tips and Solutions for Early Educators
What does inclusion mean to you?For me, it is a fundamental human right...NOT just a rite-of-passage. It is when we experience a true sense of belonging. …
Evolution of the Brain and the Science of Stress with Dr. Stuart Shanker
When I talked with Dr. Susan Hopkins for Episode 46 of the Pre-K Teach and Play podcast, we explored what the term "self-regulation" really means. In this bonus episode with the incredible Dr. Stuart Shanker, we go even deeper. …
Episode 46: Below the Threshold of Your Awareness with Dr. Susan Hopkins
We've all heard the word "self-regulation"...but do you understand what it really means? For many years I thought I did, but I was wrong. There's so much more depth and meaning behind the concept than just dealing with your emotions. It's also not just about thinking, and it's certainly not …
Episode 45: Daring to be Yourself with Lisa Pepper-Satkin
While I can't recall all the details, from the first time I met Lisa Pepper-Satkin to the time we recorded this podcast (which was actually in February of 2020), I remember how she made me feel during each encounter. In a word: inspired! …