Question: Are "themes" a part of quality early care and education programs? …
Instructional Steps Unpacked ECE Solutionary Members Only Resource
I wrote a long blog over on my other website about this image... It was a long blog post because supporting all children is complicated. I wish I could offer a step-by-step set of instructions to ease the decisions and complexity of your work… …
Making Pre-K Better
Training video by Dr. Kristie Pretti-Frontczak about how to make Pre-K better for all children. Video includes specific details for selecting evidence-based instructional strategies within a blended and tiered model of instruction are provided. Click here to download a PDF with all of the the PPT …
Blended Practices Resources
This members only resource is one that will grow over time. It includes all my solutions as they relate to work around blended practices. …
Infographics ECE Solutionary Members Only Resouce
We are constantly creating new infographics that you can share as you help {r}evolutionize early care and education. Infographics are a quick way to share facts, figures, complex concepts, and even research findings. …
Instructional Steps Q&A with Dr. Kristie Pretti-Frontczak
Question: Where to start instruction? …