I don't know a provider or teacher, who doesn't experience frustration in terms of how to best meet the increased obligation to do more and to give more...with fewer and fewer resources. In a nutshell, to hold the hands of all children with just the two hands they have. …
Why Do They Want to Build a Wall? Listen, and Speak Up!
First in a three part blog series on social justice by Dr. Andrew Goff...because #OurKidsAreListening. …
Five Ways to Flip Your Assessment Practices From Standardized to Personalized
Once I read Vicki Davi’s blog titled, “10 Ways to Flip A Kid and Turn Their Day Around: Teaching and Reaching Every Child”, which inspired me to think of ways we could turn early childhood assessment practices around. …
Progress Versus Performance: Why The Words We Use Matter
Several years ago, we started using the term “performance monitoring” instead of “progress monitoring”. And while we accept and agree that we can all get caught up in words too often, we also know that words carry a great deal of meaning. …
Podcast 6: A Map to the Stars
Serving groups of children with diverse abilities just got a bit more doable. Reach for the Stars (RFTS), Planning for the Future has been revised and it is better than ever. …
Podcast 5: What’s Lurking In The Classroom That’s Keeping You From Being More Inclusive?
I love visiting pre-K classrooms and watching amazing brain architects hard at work, but was fed up with all the clutter in classrooms, as well as toys and materials so broken and boring they hadn't been touched in years! …