IA DEC Sponsored Q&A
Informal chat with Dr. Kristie Pretti-Frontczak and special guests Dr. Isela Garcia, Ijumaa Jordan, and Barb Avila about how we serve as stress detectives and create safe harbors for neurodiverse groups of children, particularly as we live during this pandemic and aim to receive children into group care once again (recognizing that some haven’t ever stopped)!
Sponsored by the IA Subdivision for DEC
CEC Webinar on creating safe harbors
DEC Q&A on being a stress detective
Resources shared during the conversation
Black children book list
All of Kristie's CEC resources here: https://kristiepf.com/cec- webinar-resources
Listen to Kristie's conversation about race with Ijumaa here: https://youtu.be/cGJpXCKz7Pg
Barb’s podcast on the 4 S’s here: https://synergyautismpodcast. blogspot.com/2020/05/episode- 24-how-to-apply-4-ss-to- autism.html and Kristie's podcast with Dan Siegel and Barb here: https://prekteachandplay.com/ podcast39
Subscribe to Isela’s podcast on her website and her YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/ channel/UC9CsVm9_ wwFPvYme9VqonQQ
Conversations about SDI/IEPs for PREK during a pandemic: https:// prekteachandplay.com/covid-19- bonus-episode/
Connect with the presenters
Ijumaa Jordan
Barb Avila
Isela Garcia
FaceBook: https://www.facebook.com/ ALESIGroup/
Kristie Pretti-Frontczak
FaceBook: https://www.facebook.com/ kristiepf/