ECE Solutionary Membership Resources for Month 1
This month, I've hand-picked solutions from the categories of authentic assessment and self-regulation. Each solution is provided to help you go deeper into the "how" behind helping children thrive in school and in life.
Click here to download this month's at-a-glance handout
As always, each solution includes a brief description and hyperlink to a PDF, YouTube video, blog post, podcast, and/or website. For those who end up feeling like the solution was TL;DR (too long; didn't read), I provide an at-a-glance tip you can put into action immediately. Each tip is signified by a purple hashtag (#prektip).
Authentic Assessment Solutions
Resource to help you decode the jargon we use when discussing assessment, ensuring you aren't misled or misinformed, and can have meaningful conversations about assessment with families [pdf] - created by me and Ashley Lyons
#prektip: Understand the difference between criterion & norm-referenced assessment to ensure tools are chosen & used for valid purposes (click here to tweet this tip!)
Infographic provides 101 specific examples of how you can embed both learning and assessment opportunities during children's block play [pdf] - created by me
Want even more? Read this blog where I describe how blocks can be used to assess children quickly and effectively [link]
#prektip: By watching children play with blocks, you can both embed & assess cooperative play & gauge kids' ability to resolve conflicts. (click here to tweet this tip!)
Describes the steps you can take as a stakeholder toward authentic assessment practices and performance monitoring [pdf] - created by me and Ashley Lyons
Want even more? Read this blog where I talk about why I use the phrase performance monitoring instead of progress monitoring [link]).
#prektip: Improve assessment & performance monitoring by asking 1) how is it helping; 2) what tools are used; & 3) who has access? (click here to tweet this tip!)
Self-Regulation Solutions
Provides you with 25 ideas for assessing (and teaching) self-regulation skills [pdf] - created by me (Want even more? Listen to this podcast about how the simple things we say and do can teach children self-regulation skills [link]).
#prektip: Model self-regulation to children via self-talk such as saying, "If I feel tired, I can sit down & rest, or even read a book". (click here to tweet this tip!)
#prektip: Teach self-regulation the same way you teach all skills...model, practice, and scaffold w/intention. Feedback is also key. (click here to tweet this tip!)
Click here to listen to my suggestions for using everything in the toolkit!
Base Portions of the Toolkit
• Training video [video- 22:26]
• Training video slides [ppt]
• Audio file with a recording of the history and research behind our free educational app, Power Packs™ Pre-K Self-Regulation Edition [mp3]
• Printable Power Packs™ designed to support intentional teaching of self-regulation skills while reading three children's books, including:
Bad Day Go Away by Sarah Canter
Try, Try Again by Sarah Canter
1-2-3 A Calmer Me by Colleen A. Patterson and Brenda S. Miles
Members Only Portions of the Toolkit
• Toolkit training video PPT slides [pdf]
• Self-regulation assessment rubric [view only Google Drive Document]
• Self-regulation data collection form [pdf]
• Mindful Inquires™ starter pack [pdf]
• Access to Teach Before the Peak Mini Series
• Graphic Practice Resources