ECE Solutionary Membership Resources for Month 15
This month, I've hand-picked solutions from the categories of inclusion, professional development, and self-regulation. Each solution is provided to help you go deeper into the "how" behind helping children thrive in school and in life.
This month also includes a new resource added to your library: ECE Solutionary Members Only training video by Dr. Kristie Pretti-Frontczak about how to make Pre-K better for children. Specific details for selecting evidence-based instructional strategies within a blended and tiered model of instruction are provided.
Click here to download this month's at-a-glance handout
As always, each solution includes a brief description and hyperlink to a PDF, YouTube video, blog post, podcast, and/or website. For those who end up feeling like the solution was TL;DR (too long; didn't read), I provide an at-a-glance tip you can put into action immediately. Each tip is signified by a purple hashtag (#prektip).
Inclusion Solutions
This blog takes a deeper look at inclusion in ECE and challenges us to expand our definition of inclusion to cover every complex aspect of the young people we serve. - written by Dr. Andrew Goff
#prektip: It’s time to evolve our idea of inclusion to truly include everyone #inclusionmeanseveryone (click here to tweet this!)
This blog provides critical information regarding current research in favor of inclusive general education settings for students with disabilities as supported by IDEA. - written by Courtney Hansen of Inclusion Evolution
#prektip: Inclusion isn’t just a nice-sounding idea, it’s an evidence-based necessity. (click here to tweet this!)
Self-Regulation Solutions
This source features multiple briefs on the topic of self-regulation. The briefs address issues including future directions for self-regulation intervention, how to support and promote self-regulation across the ages, and how stress impacts the brain. - written by Desiree Murray and Katie Rosanbalm
#prektip: Self-regulation can and should be taught explicitly, just like math or literacy. (click here to tweet this!)
This infographic explains the ways a “brain architect” reacts to and reduces children’s stressors. From how they see the situation to how they use their words, “brain architects” seek to reduce stressors and restore balance. - created by me
#prektip: “Brain architects” understand how to reduce the negative impact stressors can have on young children’s development and learning. (click here to tweet this!)
Professional Development Solutions
Take this quiz to identify your emotional intelligence (EQ) strengths and weaknesses. Then, learn how you can begin to build your EQ to better support relationships in all areas of your life. - created by me
#prektip: Leaders with high emotional intelligence support responsive relationships, strengthen the capacity of others to teach critical life skills, and buffer and reduce stressors for those they serve. (click here to tweet this!)
This blog offers additional solutions for those of us trying to improve our EQ. These solutions focus on self-reflection skills and provide guiding questions for professional development. - written by me
#prektip: The journey to reflection begins with four steps: inquiry, observation, planning, and implementation. (click here to tweet this!)
This video discusses why it is important for ECE leaders to have a high EQ - and continually work to raise it. Find tips for how to raise your EQ and support those around you in raising theirs! - written by me
Want even more? Find the resources discussed in the video at my blog.
#prektip: Individuals with high EQs are self-aware and self-regulated and show situational awareness, social awareness, and spirituality. (click here to tweet this!)
This handout outlines the differences between a YES brain and a NO brain adapted from “The YES Brain” by Dan Siegel and Tina Bryson. Professional Development often focuses on the NO brain and it is time for change. - created by me
#prektip: Better professional development builds our YES brain and encourages joy in the midst of challenges. (click here to tweet this!)
This webpage features my Top Picks of resources to achieve quality ECE. Videos, infographics, ebooks, and more will help you better support the young minds around you. - created by me
#prektip: With the right support, teachers can work at their highest capacity - from a place of compassion, hope, and love. (click here to tweet this!)