ECE Solutionary Membership Resources for Month 16
This month, I've hand-picked solutions from the categories of authentic assessment, inclusion, quality indicators, and self-regulation. Each solution is provided to help you go deeper into the "how" behind helping children thrive in school and in life.
This month also includes a new resource added to your library: ECE Solutionary Members Only training video by Dr. Kristie Pretti-Frontczak about how to make Pre-K better for children. Specific details for selecting evidence-based instructional strategies within a blended and tiered model of instruction are provided.
Click here to download this month's at-a-glance handout
As always, each solution includes a brief description and hyperlink to a PDF, YouTube video, blog post, podcast, and/or website. For those who end up feeling like the solution was TL;DR (too long; didn't read), I provide an at-a-glance tip you can put into action immediately. Each tip is signified by a purple hashtag (#prektip).
Authentic Assessment Solutions
This article addresses the issue measurement in our schools - how did we decide what really matters and how to measure it? The author offers her views on what we should really be focusing on in our children’s development. - written by Carol Ann Tomlinson
#prektip: What is the most important thing you want your students to learn? What are you teaching that is leading them to become innovators and problem-solvers? (click here to tweet!)
Inclusion Solutions
This training video will walk you through the four main elements of a quality curriculum framework. These elements are the key to blended practices throughout your program. - written by me
#prektip: Every program should have a systematic, program-wide approach to the delivery of quality instruction for all learners across classrooms. (click here to tweet!)
This training video dives into tiered and intentional instruction through blended practices. It explains how to pair what you’re teaching with how to teach- written by me
#prektip: The what and how of teaching are intricately related - we cannot change one without considering the other. (click here to tweet!)
This job aid from Chapter One of Blended Practices provides a support for building your vision. Choose words that are meaningful to you, then create your vision statement! - created by me
#prektip: You can’t achieve your goals without first forming your vision. (click here to tweet!)
Quality Indicator Solutions
This blog lays out the research surrounding math education in ECE. We commonly hear about the 32-million word gap, but what about the gap in math? - written by Jenny Anderson
#prektip: Educational success begins with reading AND math. (click here to tweet!)
Have you ever thought about how nutrition affects your brain? This blog outlines the importance roles healthy food and lifestyle choices play in the proper functioning of the brain. - written by Laren Zimet
Want even more? Check out this printable with easy tips for neuro-nurturing!
#prektip: A rainbow of healthy food leads to healthy brain development. (click here to tweet!)
Self Regulation Solutions
This blog and infographic pair offer suggestions to help us pay attention to stressors, reduce their negative impact, and restore an optimal state for growth and learning - in both our kids and ourselves!- written by me
#prektip: Self-regulation is a lifelong skill. During meltdowns, we all need reminders of how to decrease our stressors and return to our optimal state. (click here to tweet!)
This podcast is packed full of tips and info to help us better understand and respond to our children’s challenging behaviors and see the child behind the behavior. - created by me with Laura Fish
Want even more? Download this summary sheet for an in-depth summary of the podcast.
#prektip: It is our job to be curious about our children and their behaviors. Their behavior is more than meets the eye! (click here to tweet!)