ECE Solutionary Membership Resources for Month 18
This month, I've hand-picked solutions from the categories of the power of play, the real common core, and self-regulation. Each solution is provided to help you go deeper into the "how" behind helping children thrive in school and in life.
This month also includes a new resource added to your library: Embedding Schedule: A Focused Instructional Strategy Unpacked video, where describe how to pair a targeted outcome with focused instructional support using an embedding schedule. I also added a video and show notes to the archived FB live broadcasts (found at the bottom of the members only library home page) titled, Surviving and Thriving IEP Season.
Click here to download this month's at-a-glance handout
As always, each solution includes a brief description and hyperlink to a PDF, YouTube video, blog post, podcast, and/or website. For those who end up feeling like the solution was TL;DR (too long; didn't read), I provide an at-a-glance tip you can put into action immediately. Each tip is signified by a purple hashtag (#prektip).
The Power of Play Solutions
This blog addresses the issues caused by limited outdoor time. The outdoors has so much to teach our children and we are responsible for giving them the freedom to explore it. - written by Thomas Hobson
#prektip: It is our responsibility to engage our kids in outdoor play and advocate for their freedom to explore. (click here to tweet!)
This podcast discusses the method of improv-based play in the classroom. Based off of theatrical improvisation, this method uses the practice of responding to every child’s interaction with “Yes, and….” to follow their lead into learning. - Created by Ron Spreeuwenberg and Barb O’neill
#prektip: Improv play views every action as an offer to which we can respond “Yes, and…” to build on and support creative play. (click here to tweet!)
Real Common Core Solutions
This podcast discusses how to utilize learning centers to promote a full learning experience and ensure use of our “YES brain.” - written by me
Want even more? This download lays out 7 activities and actions steps you can take to get the most out of your learning centers.
#prektip: We can help kids stay kids longer by being intentional about how we schedule their lives. (click here to tweet!)
This blog addresses the need for increased knowledge of learning progressions - how learners progress through the sequence of learning - to improve 21st Century learning. - Written by Helyn Kim and Esther Care
#prektip: 21st Century learners are expected to communicate, collaborate, and problem solve, but where does that fit into our curriculum? (click here to tweet!)
Self-Regulation Solutions
This article discusses the effect parents’ resilience plays on their child’s resiliency. It offers tips to parents to begin to practice resilience and model it for their kids. - Written by Emily F. Popek
#prektip: Anger, tears, and outburst are a natural part of childhood. By building resilience, we can help ourselves and our kids get through these messy stages. (click here to tweet!)
This blog offers 5 simple lessons to begin practicing social emotional learning. These can be practice individually or together with your team to increase emotional awareness, self-management, social awareness, and relationship management. - Written by Elena Aguilar
#prektip: When everyone has the social and emotional learning they deserve, our schools become calmer and happier places to be. (click here to tweet!)