ECE Solutionary Membership Resources for Month 26
This month, I've hand-picked solutions from the categories of the authentic assessment, quality indicators, mindfulness, and professional development. Each solution is provided to help you go deeper into the "how" behind helping children thrive in school and in life.
Instead of an at-a-glance this month, I invite you to check out two resources in your members only library: 1) Free access to all of our inquiry packs and 2) the additional mini-library of free e-Books
As always, each solution includes a brief description and hyperlink to a PDF, YouTube video, blog post, podcast, and/or website. For those who end up feeling like the solution was TL;DR (too long; didn't read), I provide an at-a-glance tip you can put into action immediately. Each tip is signified by a purple hashtag (#prektip).
Authentic Assessment Solutions
This measure can be used by teaching teams and administrators to rate the authenticity of early childhood assessment practices. The measure looks at set up and preparation, materials and procedures, decision-making, embedding, and child choice. It is a valid tool for self-evaluation, coaching, program evaluation, and more. - created by Jennifer Grisham-Brown and me
#prektip: Authentic assessment strategies should be used in gathering information about young children to plan and revise instruction. (click to tweet!)
This video (also in your members only library) answers questions about authentic assessment including “What is authentic assessment?” and “How can we engage in it more?”. It is filled with information, tips, and additional resources to begin your journey to authentic assessment. - created by me
#prektip: Authentic assessment should result in an accurate representation of what a child a can do. If assessment leaves you saying “But it doesn’t show…” it’s not authentic! (click to tweet!)
Quality Indicator Solutions
In this blog post, we explore how we can use loose parts (i.e. everyday classroom items) and story books to teach math skills. It’s a fun and easy way to engage students and teach concepts like making sets, comparing, recognizing/creating geometric shapes, and more! - written by me
#prektip: Everyday items like paper clips and pipe cleaners can turn into treasures for young minds to learn from in exciting new ways! (click to tweet!)
This podcast discusses the downfall of pacing guides and what we should be doing instead. Early childhood is a complex but crucial period and while it’s tempting to simplify and streamline it, that only limits our kids. By changing our approach we can better serve our students and help them reach their full potential. - created by me
Want even more? This download includes additional resources and videos to free you from pacing guides!
#prektip: There is no checklist that will make children magically learn. (click to tweet!)
Mindfulness and Professional Development Solutions
Print this handout as a reminder to “Teach Before the Peak.” In order for kids to learn, we have to pay attention to their brain state and teach before emotions get high and we enter the “no-learning-peak.” - created by Barbara Avila and me
#prektip: In order to teach, you have to observe how your kids are doing and if they’re ready to learn. (click to tweet!)
This podcast answers questions about co-teaching including tips for new co-teachers and seasoned veterans and how to tell staff and student that you’re starting a co-teaching team. - created by Dr. Paula Kluth and Dr. Julie Causton
#prektip: Let your co-teacher teach you skills they excel in. They are an excellent resource for professional development! (click to tweet!)