The Teach Before the Peak of the Storm infographic can be printed and shared as an image or as a handout. To better understand the three zones listen to Pre-K Teach & Play podcast 37 – Wait for green before you go.
Related Resources
- Intro video for TBP [YouTube]: Young children are learning how to self-regulate and be in touch with their emotions during early education. Join Kristie Pretti-Frontczak, Ph.D. to discuss “teaching before the peak”, the optimal time for learning for children leading to academic success (Length: 3 minutes, 55 seconds).
- Longer video (all three parts) of TBP [YouTube]: Are you an educator or parent wanting to understand your child’s behaviors in the classroom or at home? Join Dr. Kristie Pretti-Frontczak to hear an overview on “teaching before the peak”, “weather the storm”, and “reconnect afterwards” (Length: 15 minutes, 29 seconds).
- TBP handout (shareable) [pdf] – This is a diagram on “teaching before the peak” showing the optimal time for teaching and learning and when not to teach children.
- Seeing the child behind the behavior [pdf]: In this Pre-K Teach and Play podcast episode, Laura Fish and Dr. Kristie Pretti-Frontczak share how early educators can broaden their perspective around the “causes” for challenging behavior. You will learn how to discover the “why” behind a child’s behavior and how to align teaching practices with children’s basic needs and drives (Length: 59 minutes, 39 seconds).
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