ECE and ECSE teams often want to know how to use the self-regulation assessment rubric to make sound decisions. This post includes my answers to how to use the rubric, when to use the rubric, and what all the data means for planning meaningful interactions and experiences for children. …
Blended Practices Resources
This members only resource is one that will grow over time. It includes all my solutions as they relate to work around blended practices. …
Want Authentic Assessment? Try This Tip
A huge challenge in serving young children is collecting accurate and useful data about what they know and can do...often under tight timelines or when we have 100 other things to do. …
Five Ways to Flip Your Assessment Practices From Standardized to Personalized
Once I read Vicki Davi’s blog titled, “10 Ways to Flip A Kid and Turn Their Day Around: Teaching and Reaching Every Child”, which inspired me to think of ways we could turn early childhood assessment practices around. …
How To Pinpoint Why A Child Is Struggling
A fellow #ece {r}evolutionary had a fabulous observation after listening to Pre-K Teach & Play Podcast episode #2. She recognized that determining why children struggle is complicated by the fact that the progressions overlap. She wondered if there was an "easier" way to think about a child's …
Progress Versus Performance: Why The Words We Use Matter
Several years ago, we started using the term “performance monitoring” instead of “progress monitoring”. And while we accept and agree that we can all get caught up in words too often, we also know that words carry a great deal of meaning. …