Using AEPSi to Engage in Authentic Assessment Virtually Presented by Kristie Pretti-Frontczak and Jennifer Grisham-Brown, co-authors of AEPSi and Assessing Young Children in Inclusive Settings: The Blended Practices Approach, and Monica Belle, Brookes Publishing This session will highlight how …
Authentic Assessment
Ongoing Q&A about scoring and using the Assessment, Evaluation, and Programming System (AEPS). Question: Do you really give a 0 for not observed? We will score it based off of parent report if we didn't elicit it during the play session. Question: Modification vs assistance. How do you score a …
Using data to get to the heart of what matters
ECE and ECSE teams often want to know how to use the self-regulation assessment rubric to make sound decisions. This post includes my answers to how to use the rubric, when to use the rubric, and what all the data means for planning meaningful interactions and experiences for children. …
What is Authentic Assessment Q&A with Dr. Kristie Pretti-Frontczak
Questions: What is authentic assessment? How can we measure our practices? How can we engage in more authentic assessment? …
Instructional Steps Unpacked ECE Solutionary Members Only Resource
I wrote a long blog over on my other website about this image... It was a long blog post because supporting all children is complicated. I wish I could offer a step-by-step set of instructions to ease the decisions and complexity of your work… …
101 Things You Can Assess Using Blocks Infographic
This downloadable and sharable infographic includes 101 things you can assess using “just” blocks. …