GUEST SEL Experts barb avila, laura fish, and alysaa blask campbell Barb Avila - is the founder of Synergy Autism Center and works daily to support families experiencing autism. During this break-out session, Barb will share what she feels is missing from all interventions, therapies, and …
Iowa DEC Members Event ECE Solutionary Members Only Resource
IA DEC Sponsored Q&A Informal chat with Dr. Kristie Pretti-Frontczak and special guests Dr. Isela Garcia, Ijumaa Jordan, and Barb Avila about how we serve as stress detectives and create safe harbors for neurodiverse groups of children, particularly as we live during this pandemic and aim to …
Stress Detectives Q and A with Kristie Pretti-Frontczak and Barb Avila
Stress Detectives Q and A with Kristie Pretti-Frontczak and Barb Avila Q&A follow-up to CEC webinar on creating safe harbors with DEC Past President Dr. Kristie Pretti-Frontczak, joined by autism expert Barb Avila of Synergy Autism Center. …
CEC Webinar Stress Detectives and Safe Harbors: Helping Children Feel Secure
Stress Detectives and Safe Harbors: Helping Children Feel Secure Whether we are leading a group of three-year-olds, leading a district of Kindergarten teachers, or leading an IEP meeting, we are often called upon to recognize and reduce the things that cause others to shift into fight, flight, …
Stress Detective Series for Leaders: Safety First ECE Solutionary Members Only Resource
Stress Detective Series for Leaders: Safety First As leaders, we are most effective when we build relational trust, engage in attuned communication, and work from a place of mindfulness, hope, and compassion. In a nutshell, we are most effective when we focus on being a resonant leader. …
Infographics on the 4 S’s of supporting young children ECE Solutionary Members Only Resource
Infographics Graphics and downloads of the Four S’s – based upon the work of New York Times Best Selling Authors Dr. Dan Siegel and Dr. Tina Payne Bryson as discussed during our webinar on Harnessing the Power of Showing Up. Three graphics (below) and a downloadable PDF of the Four …