ECE Solutionary Membership Resources for Month 24
This month, I've hand-picked solutions from the categories of the "real common core", IEPs, and self-regulation. Each solution is provided to help you go deeper into the "how" behind helping children thrive in school and in life.
And this month, instead of an at-a-glance handout, check out three members only resources in your library!
- Mini-library of Q&A videos where questions come from the field and I give back my best answer (plus links to tons of practical resources)
- Revolutionary facts and figures handouts, including one on the return on investment of ECE
- ECED Bytes™ designed to help you offer transformative PD
As always, each solution includes a brief description and hyperlink to a PDF, YouTube video, blog post, podcast, and/or website. For those who end up feeling like the solution was TL;DR (too long; didn't read), I provide an at-a-glance tip you can put into action immediately. Each tip is signified by a purple hashtag (#prektip).
The Real Common Core and IEP Solutions
This summary of John Medina’s Brain Rules provides 12 “rules” scientists have found about how our brain works. When applied, these rules can change the way we teach, work, and live every day.
#prektip: By understanding how the brain really works, we can learn how to get the most out of it. (click to tweet!)
This audio recording answers the question of the “best way” to measure a child’s performance. It is packed full of references to resources and tips for writing the criteria portion of IEP goals. - created by me
#prektip: Our first and foremost charge is to figure out our “what.” When our “what” is absolutely clear, then we can figure out our “how.” (click to tweet!)
Self-Regulation Solutions
This blog and video tackle an important question: who’s responsible for misbehavior - the child, the teacher, the environment? Children are battling emotions in the classroom daily and it’s time we learn how to support them instead of punish them. - written by Lori Petro
#prektip: We can’t tell a child how to behave. We must teach them how to manage themselves. (click to tweet!)
This blog discusses self-regulation in typical children and children with ADHD or sensory processing disorders. We all self-regulate daily, often without even noticing. But how does it work for kids? And what can we do when it’s not working? - written by Amanda Morin
#prektip: Kids overreact in the moment because they’re not able to stop, reflect on the situation, and come up with solutions. (click to tweet!)
This article outlines methods for encouraging resilience in our “spirited” and “cautious” kids. Some kids are naturally easy-going, but others need extra nurturing and help from us to regulate and interact with a world that doesn’t always know how interact with them. - written by Rick Hanson
#prektip: Children are unique and our guidance should be too. (click to tweet!)