What it is?
Based on the ESSENCE GLOSSARY™ (Porrata & Pretti-Frontczak) these posters are a great reminder that we all have Superpowers.
Who is it for?
ECE and health professionals (teachers, therapists, administrators, consultants, coaches, counselors)
What is it for?
Serves as a reminder of our commitment using our “superpowers” to achieve kinder, fairer, and ultimately…more inclusive classrooms and communities.
The attributes listed on the posters are from the ESSENCE GLOSSARY™, which was created to introduce, promote, and support the integration of social-emotional awareness and intelligence into educational and community-based settings.
The glossary is comprised of 32 social-emotional attributes, or “superpowers”, and definitions of each. It provides a common language and a simple approach to understanding and supporting the growth and development of all individuals. Numerous scientific studies have indicated that when cultivated and reinforced, many of these attributes increase understanding, cooperation and collaboration.
Created by Mayra Porrata and Kristie Pretti-Frontczak
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